#YouBelong on court: Sessions inspiring women and girls to take part in squash! #WomenSquashWeek

https://youtu.be/LRIJsJcvV7U “Ladies night is where we get together have a bit of fun playing squash, drills and have a bit of food and drink afterwards- it’s super fun and super social!” Everybody was so nice and friendly. They wanted to help get around it. Jayne and everyone else make you feel really at home. Previous […]
#YouBelong in Coaching: Jayne Robinson inspires generations of players #WomensSquashWeek

https://youtu.be/prmblhuHSKs “It’s a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. I’d like to think that that’s what we’ve created at Pontefract and that’s why the female sessions are so successful” Jayne Robinson Tweet Women’s Squash Week (18-24th September) is an international campaign that aims to celebrate and raise the profile of female squash. PSA Foundation are proud to champion […]