Located in Cartagena, Colombia, Squash Urbano provides a year-round programme which looks to provide life-changing opportunities to youth from low-income families through education, mentoring and the sport of squash.
Founded in 2014, their programmes combine squash with academics, mentoring, community service, and college placement. Their intensive, year-round programming, which takes place after school, on the weekends and in the summer, engages students until they finish their schooling.

The team at Squash Urbano consists of 50+ members and provides an intensive year-round commitment beginning as early as elementary school and extending through to university education.
Six days a week, the Squash Urbano team members engage in three hours of squash practice, English class and academic sessions, while they also participate in tournaments, trips, enrichment workshops and community service events.
The Colombian programme have already seen great success stories come out of the programme, however, they don’t want to stop there as their aims for the future are clear: Ensure higher education with financial support for 90% of their students, have five team members on the Colombian national team, send three-five students a year to a U.S. boarding school, summer camp or university on scholarship and expand their programme to other cities in Colombia.
One of their success stories is that of Valeria Osorio, who worked tirelessly to make the most of every opportunity on her path. So, it was no surprise when she became the first ever SUC student to be awarded a scholarship at a top-tier boarding school and then a place at Wesleyan university in the USA.
The PSA Foundation caught up with Valeria about her progress with Squash Urbano and her professional career:
Squash Urbano Colombia COVID-19 Food Drive
The juniors within the programme come from low-income families. Due to the lockdown, these families now face the challenge of making an income and putting food on the table. In light of this, Squash Urbano has been making great efforts within their food drive to make sure that none of these families go hungry.
You can donate to support their food drive here:
In Colombia you can transfer directly to the following account
Fundación Squash Urbano Colombia
Nit 900730202
Cta de ahorros Bancolombia 17725112777
Squash Urbano Success Stories:
One team member attended Wesleyan University on full scholarship
One team member won a Bronze medal representing the Colombian Jr. National Team in the South American Championships in 2019
Over 30 tournaments played throughout Colombia, South America, and the United States
Two students have been accepted into private school in the USA
Eight students accepted into private schoolin Cartagena, Colombia
2019 Urban National Teams Middle School Girls Champions
2019 Urban National Individuals BU11, BU13, & BU15 Champions
Five players competed in the US Junior Open Championships
Find out more about the Squash Urbano programme and how you can support them here: https://www.squashurbanocol.org/volunteer/