Andrej Královič from Slovakia cycled 1800 Kilometres across Denmark over 3 weeks, his course set for visiting all 37 squash clubs along the way! At each club he’d stop off to interview board members and have a hit with the members.
Andrej Královič vlogged the whole journey of cycling across Denmark and visiting each squash club, which you can see in the video at the bottom of this article.
We asked Andrej some questions about his unique journey which he was more than happy to talk about;
Why did you do it?
“There is a lot reasons why would you do such a thing – language training, physical training, video-making skills. But the main reason why I biked whole Denmark, it is because I like it. I love challenges and adventure. Biking across a country is a special way of travelling in my opinion. The country becomes part of you. It is completely different than driving around with a car or visiting only large cities. You jump in, jump out, snap some pictures and then it is gone. However, pedaling the whole way is injecting each inch of that land into you. The country becomes part of you. This is the way I like to travel. I do not see the country, I take it with me.”
Meeting my friend Peter(from Slovakia) in Horsens Squash Club on day 5 Beautiful Grenen, the most northern point of Denmark on day 10
were you trying to achieve?
“An initial goal was to bike from Odense to the south most and then the north
most point of Denmark similar to what I did previous summer in my home country (Slovakia).
But which route to take? I felt it was incomplete. Then I have ran into the
list of Danish squash clubs, 37 of them. I have plotted it on the map and I
have got 1800 kilometers route. It would take me 3 weeks, maybe more, but I
have had that time and a possibility to promote the sport, so why not?”
What did you learn during the journey? Particularly relating to squash in Denmark?
“I believe that the most important is to get a chance. The chance for an individual, a team and the sport of course. I was disappointed when squash did not make it further in the 2024 Olympic bid. I have met and interviewed a lot of people, who are passionate about the sport, during the journey around Denmark. No doubts that there are people like that all over the world. It is just a matter of time when we, as a community, fight out the chance for our sport to be included in the Olympics.”
Where do you plan on going next?
I am hoping for a good squash season 2019/20 in which I can keep playing, because the last one I was injured for couple months. I also hope to improve my Danish as well as my video making skills, which I can use to tell some more exciting squash stories from the (Danish) courts.
And the next summer?
I do not know, maybe we “squike” through some other country 😀
It would be fantastic to see some more squash related adventures like Andrej’s to really showcase what the sport looks like across the globe and the unique cultures that each country couple with our great sport.